Spring Break Social Media Do’s and Don’t’s

Spring break is this next week, and as much as you want to post the selfie of you doing something crazy, it is best you do not do that! Here are some helpful tips of the do’s and don’t’s of spring break social media.


•Review which of your accounts is private and public. You may not want certain pictures or status updates available to everyone. Check through your accounts to see what information is being shared with everyone. (Suchanek, A., 2014, March 2)

•Share what’s going on! It’s okay to share what’s going on. Vacations and traveling is okay. Don’t be afraid to post what’s going on and share that with others. (Suchanek, A., 2014, March 2)

•Share pictures. Hey, it’s okay to have a good time with your friends. Just make sure pictures, videos, status updates are appropriate! (Suchanek, A., 2014, March 2)

•Remember to also take a break from social media and disconnect. It’s a vacation, remember to disconnect for a while. (Suchanek, A., 2014, March 2)


•Don’t tweet things that you think are funny at 2am, especially if you have a public Twitter. Inside jokes between you and your friends are great, but remember that not everyone will think so. (Suchanek, A., 2014, March 2)

•Apps like Instagram have the ability to send pictures to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other social media accounts. Be mindful of where your pictures are going and who has access to those accounts. Don’t put sensitive content on platforms that many people have access to. (Suchanek, A., 2014, March 2)

•If you wouldn’t yell it at a mall, don’t post it on a social network. (Suchanek, A., 2014, March 2
A wise woman once told me “pretty is as pretty does”. You may not like it but you social media sites do reflect you, your family, and any organization you are a part of, so be respectful when you post things this spring break.


Suchanek, A. (2014, March 2). Advice for Spring Breakers: Social Media Do’s and Don’ts. Information Space Advice for Spring Breakers Social Media Dos and Donts Comments. Retrieved March 9, 2014

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